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Welcome to Anime STL World
where we Bring Anime/manga
collectibles to life

Get Ready To Explore Our
Awesome Platform

with 0% Platform fee you keep all the money.
after your first model you can give an optional 2% on successful crowdfunded projects to help us stay running.

Join are Discord

stay up to date on are upcoming model requests and changes. if you backed a model you can give feedback directly to the artist on are discord and stay up to date on any changes done
Join NOW

Campaign Categories

What's popular

Discover what’s possible when a community creates together.

$0.00 Raised from $0.00 Goal





Help Us grow, get 0% platform fee

(Optional) 2% on successful crowdfunding after your first model to help us grow and stay running, As a non-profit all money goes right back to the platform

quality control

we provide artist feedback and help achieve the best quality possible

Strengthen Your Community

with an artist page your fans can easily keep track and share your work

Free from fees

no platform fees, you take your full funds from your backers

Improve Business

easy to post and track your campaign with the slick dashboard